
Ulysses Filmproduktion GmbH
Schomburgstr. 120
22767 Hamburg / Germany

Phone: 040 - 339 889 80
Fax: 040 - 339 889 899

Questions and requests

data protection

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By public transport

In Hamburg, the easiest way to reach us is with the S-Bahn 1 or 3/Trainstation Altona. From there it is a 5 minutes walking distance.

By Taxi

From Central Station you need approximately 15 minutes, from the Airport approximately 30 minutes by taxi.

By car

If you arrive with the car, you should take the A7 (Autobahn 7) exit Othmarschen. Follow the Behringstraße to the right (if you come from south, left if you come from north), which is the Barnerstraße later. When you passed a 90' right, turn left into the Julius-Leber-Straße, which leads through a tunnel and after that, take the 2nd street right, the Goethe-Allee. Immmediately after you crossed the big road called Max-Brauer-Allee, you turn left to the Schomburgstraße. Number 120 is on the left side at the beginning of the street. Our office is on first floor.